
Assist-a-Grip is a firmly hinged; hand held, tough plastic, personal weight-equipment accessory.  Measuring about 4 inches long and 8 inches in diameter, Assist-a-Grip is designed to fit comfortably in the palm of each hand.  The designed heel-pad enhances leverage and ease in weight resistance.

Assist-a-Grip is designed with 3 self-adjusting circumferences to fit safely and snuggly on most weight equipment.  With a snap / click it's secured onto made eights and weight training equipment.

Assist-a-Grip attaches securely to most weight equipment, from dumbbells and barbells to all types of gym equipment.  Assist-a-Grip reduces "grip fatigue" from clenched, tight fisted gripping because of its open-grip technology design.  Open grip means 30% POWER TRANSFER to intended, targeted muscle groups.

The Assist-A-Grip is being used effectively by/for:

  • Physicians & Therapists
  • Sports Medicine
  • Preventative and post OP of Carpal Tunnel
  • Occupational, Physical Therapy
  • Strength Conditioning
  • Personal Training
  • Home Fitness

Assist-A-Grip Ordering Info

Item 1 Set
without strap
with strap
$15.75 - United States Orders
$30.00 - International Orders

We ship Assist-A-Grips via USPS first class mail within USA  (US orders only).

Please allow 2-3 business days for processing and shipping once order has been received.

*Shipping costs do not apply to wholesale orders.